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We connect Groupies, Musicians, Promoters and Venues. Enjoy the Show!


Subscribe and follow your favorite local musicians as they make their rise to stardom. Never miss an event, performance or show. Follow Venues that support live music, be the first to know who’s playing, upcoming events and plan one heck of a weekend.



Subscribe to engage deeper with your audience, venues, promoters and attract more groupies! Do what you were meant to do, create music. Think of us as your tambourine team keeping everyone in sync with your upcoming events, shows and help put you center stage wherever you play next.



Subscribe for a better way to notify patrons and customers of upcoming music related events and artists. Make every weekend standing room only and highlight rising stars with little effort. Manage your music talent schedules with ease and get back to what you do best! Build stronger venue relations with music as a focal point.



Subscribe and find musicians and artists that are making the move in the local music scene and help their career via special promotions, brand building and leverage the power of community.
